Replacing The Trees Lost in the Goderich Tornado…

It is Halloween already!  Geez – where has the time gone???  We thought the Spring was busy – nobody prepared us for the Fall!  We have been busy this past month selecting and digging large tree specimens for the Town of Goderich.  A little over a year ago the most powerful tornado to hit the province in years swept through the southwestern Ontario town of Goderich, killing one person and devastating the picturesque community on the shore of Lake Huron.  Century-old buildings, churches and homes were either damaged or destroyed as well as many of the old trees.  Winds of roughly 280 km/h carved a path about 500 metres wide through the town’s centre – right through the downtown core.  In the downtown core is the Court House Square that was home to hundreds of large trees.  Only 3 remain.  It has taken the community over year to generate a master plan and start the re-building the town.  That is where we come in – we are replacing some of the trees in the town square.  But they couldn’t be just any trees there had to be large specimens to re-create the canopy that was once there.  The trees will range anywhere between 30 – 50 feet and will require a large crane to to lift them.  They will be moved into the Town of Goderich on large flatbed trucks – some of them will only fit one per truck.  Quite an effort was put into selecting the trees through the Director of Operations and Parks Superintendent of the Town of Goderich, as well as Landscape Architect based out of Toronto.  Most of the trees are native to Southern Ontario and include Oaks, Maples, Chestnuts to name a few. I have includes some pictures of the tagging and digging process and will be updating frequently – here is the beginning of a great project that we are so happy to be involved with…

Black Oak Tagged
Dawn Redwood being drum strung
Freemannii Maples
Kentucky Coffee Tree
Beginning to dig Pin Oaks
Showing the proceedure….
Tagging Red Sunset Maples
Scarlet Oak Tagged
More Scarlet Oaks
Birch Trees Tagged
Red Oak
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Blue Beech
Green Vase Zelkovas Tagged
Digging of the Elms
Elms at the end of the day
Kentucky Coffee Trees after digging
The Elms beig dug
Starting of another day of digging
Root ball of the Dawn Redwood
Pin Oaks
Finishing up the Pin Oaks…


With all the activity happening around the yard it has been almost impossible to find time to blog.  I did find the time to take pictures though!  This fall showed some amazing displays of fall leaves – it was stunning.  It is almost impossible not to take a million pictures of the red burning bushes that are all around the yard they just automatically catch your eye.  As the days get shorter it is most important to get out early and catch the rights sunlight.  Today there is a high wind and all the leaves are blowing off the trees.  Soon there will another landscape to take photos of!  Please see the pictures below and drink in some of that fine autumn glory!