Fall Sale Preview..

Well it is still summer and it is still hot but the evenings are getting shorter and fall is around the corner.  Here at PAO we are getting ready for annual Fall sale.  The farm looks great and we have gotten rid of a lot of product.  We drove around the farm this morning and started to choose items for the fall feature promotion.  We have ordered the tent and the chairs and balloons!  What is a sale without balloons?  While on the drive through the farm I noticed the highbush cranberry still red with ripe fruit.  Some of the burning bushes are starting to turn a few red leaves and some maples as well.  Pretty soon it will be a riot of colour here and action too – everybody will be getting into the fall season.  Here are a few of the items we will be putting on sale..

Shademaster Locust
Sunburst Locust
Skyline Locust
Deborah Maple
Emerald Lustre Maple
Emerald Queen Columnar Maple
Baby Blue Eyes Blue Spruce
Redmond Linden
Blue False Cypress
Sargenti Crabapple
Ornmental Pear


Crimson King Maple


Field Wide Blow Out!

You read correct!  We are having a Field wide BLOWOUT!!!
 Tree like these for ONLY $299.99*!!
 Baby Blue Eyes Blue Spruce 5/6′ WB
 Crimson King Maple 50-60mm WB
 Emerald Queen Norway 70-80mm WB
 Glenleven Linden 80-90mm WB
Sunburst Honeylocust 60-70mm WB
Trees like these for ONLY $299.99*!
 *Prices do not include installation. Sale on until October 15th, 2011!